Please read through this document for relevant NYSSMA information. Please be aware that it is the parent/guardian responsibility to ensure that your child is prepared for NYSSMA and that their forms are handed in on time.
Find a well-lit place with a firm, straight-back chair where the risk of interruption is minimal. Use a music stand to hold the music at the correct height and position for playing.
Begin the practice session with a familiar warm-up routine.
While practicing, a successful performer always concentrates on fundamentals such as posture, breathing, embouchure (mouth position), hand position, bowing, sticking, etc.
It is essential that a regular and consistent quality practice routine is established and maintained. Practicing is homework for music class, and must be done on a daily basis in order to ensure success. Set goals for each practice session and always practice with a purpose in mind.
How Parents Can Help:
Praise your child’s efforts and achievements.
Show interest in the music study of your child.
Arrange a consistent time for regular daily practice.
Provide a quiet, well-lit place, with a music stand, in which to practice.
Provide a safe place in which to store the instrument.
Keep the instrument in good repair. Should a repair be necessary, do not attempt to repair your child’s instrument yourself. Please consult the music teacher immediately for the proper course of action to take, or for a list of recommended repair technicians.
Be aware of your child’s schedule in order to help him/her to be punctual for rehearsal and lessons. See that your child takes his/her instrument and music on days of lessons and rehearsals.
Make faithful attendance at all performances a priority.
Encourage your child to perform for others when opportunities arise.
Play a variety of recordings of master artists for your child. Encourage your child to be active listeners of music.
Take your child to live concerts as often as possible.
Encourage him/her through technical challenges.
There are two instrumental music classes offered at JFK to our 4th and 5th graders: Band and Orchestra
BAND: Band instruments include flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, and percussion ORCHESTRA: Orchestra instruments include: violin, viola, cello and string bass