SEEK Modules
Three separate modules are offered for grades three through five: Literacy, Mathematics, and Innovations. Each SEEK module offers rigorous challenges in an inquiry- and project-based learning environment. The curriculum may vary year to year, based on new literature, new technologies/practices, and interests. All units are designed to extend and enrich learning beyond the classroom.
SEEK Literacy modules may include:
- studying word meanings and creating and solving analogies
- participating in a novel study or author study through a book club or literature circle
- writing fiction and non-fiction pieces inspired by a text or an author
- exploring various genres of literature, including fantasy, folktales, and mythology
- in depth study of novels, vocabulary, and writing craft
SEEK Math modules may include:
- studying different number systems
- decomposing word problems and creating student-authored word problems
- understanding the "why" behind mathematical algorithms
- participating in a real-world project that applies mathematical concepts
SEEK Innovations modules may include:
- using robotic technologies and coding to solve challenges
- ideating solutions to a real-world problem and engaging in the engineering design process
- designing and creating inventions using a variety of resources and materials
- participating in project-based challenges involving advanced mathematical and STEM concepts
SEEK Identification
SEEK is open to all children who meet the criteria indicated below and who consistently demonstrate mastery of grade level curriculum expectations. There is no set number of students admitted to the SEEK program, and the number of participating students varies from year to year. Students are reassessed annually in the spring and early fall to determine whether participation in SEEK will begin or continue.
The sole, multiple criteria used to identify students for SEEK for grades 3, 4, and 5 are listed below:
SEEK Literacy Eligibility:
Reading a full year above grade level (as determined by running records), and have scored a high 4 on the NY State ELA Assessment (when applicable), and score in the top percentile on additional standardized assessments given in school.*
SEEK Math Eligibility:
Have scored a high 4 on the NY State Math Assessment (when applicable), and score in the top percentile on an additional standardized assessment given in school*, and
Earn a high score on a district-created problem-solving assessment.*
SEEK Innovations Eligibility:
Have scored a high 4 on the NY State Math Assessment (when applicable), and score in the top percentile on an additional standardized assessment given in school.*
For 3rd graders and other students who did not take the NY State Assessments in the previous school year, classroom, local, and proprietary standardized measures from early to mid-fall are used to determine whether or not a student is eligible to participate in one or more SEEK experiences.
SEEK teachers work closely with classroom teachers in a variety of ways to provide professional development for differentiated instruction within the classroom, resulting in enriched curricula for all students whether or not they are eligible for and participate in SEEK.
*There is no set cut-off percentage related to performance on these assessments.
Book Clubs
Book clubs offer children a way to share books, experiences, and feelings together. Many children report feeling closer to one another after sharing books together. In addition, book clubs may provide children with a way to explore and discuss difficult topics in a safe way.
In addition to helping children talk about important issues, book clubs provide an enjoyable and easy way for children to develop many literacy skills. Simply by reading books in preparation for book club meetings, children will develop fluency; the ability to read smoothly and with expression. In addition, children will learn new vocabulary words and be exposed to new ideas and concepts. Through the discussion that takes place at book club meetings, readers will develop a deeper understanding of books, consider others' perspectives on the same book, and practice analyzing the books read.
Finally, book clubs help children develop important language skills. Book discussions help children practice turn-taking, encourage them to use language to analyze, make predictions, and solve problems, and provide them with opportunities to try out new vocabulary words.
TedEd Riddles
Jump start your brain by solving these challenging and fun riddles! Be sure to pause before the solution is given and solve each riddle on your own. Then push play and see if you were successful.
Math in Real Life
Numerical and logical thinking play a part in each of these everyday activities, and in many others. A good understanding of math in everyday life is essential for making sense of all the numbers and problems life throws at us.
Caine Monroy was a 9 year old boy with a great imagination and a father with lots of packing supplies. A chance meeting with a documentary film maker in Los Angeles led to the world-wide phenomenon we know as Caine's Arcade. Caine accompanied his dad to work at the family auto parts business on the weekends. He saw the tape and boxes not as tape and boxes but as arcade games. And the building began.
Fourth graders at the John F Kennedy Elementary School designed and created their own arcade games. Third graders were then invited to play the games at our annual JFK Cardboard Arcade.
Wonder of the Day
Welcome to Wonderopolis®, a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages. Each day, we pose an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day®—and explore it in a variety of ways.
Exploratorium Activities
The Exploratorium isn't just a museum; it's an ongoing exploration of science, art and human perception—a vast collection of online experiences that feed your curiosity.
Make it @ your library
Make it @ Your Library believes that content creation in the library is a vital direction for our libraries to pursue. Maker projects don’t need to be the result of thousands of dollars of space renovation, equipment or special staffing. The projects on this site, powered by Instructables and vetted by librarians, are a great way to begin. Happy creating!
Kids' Book Recommendations
Welcome to Biblionasium! We are dedicated to the critical belief that all kids can fall in love with reading. Consistent support and just the right book can ignite the spark.
As a result of direct input from a stellar group of educators, librarians and classroom teachers, the site has now grown tremendously since its original conception. Part kids social network, part parent’s guide, part educator's tool, Biblionasium blends technology with personal connection to create a supportive, engaging space for reading success.
Goodreads Picks for Best Books
Children's literature is for readers and listeners up to about age 12. It is often illustrated. The term is used in senses that sometimes exclude young-adult fiction, comic books, or other genres. Books specifically for children existed at least several hundred years ago.
Scholastic Top 100 Books for Kids
How many have you read? These are the top 100 books as rated by Scholastic readers.
New York Public Library Top 100 Children's Books
Great stories never grow old! Chosen by children’s librarians at The New York Public Library, these 100 inspiring tales have thrilled generations of children and their parents — and are still flying off our shelves.
Caine's Arcade
Launched from the overwhelming global response to the short film, "Caine's Arcade," the Imagination Foundation was founded to find, foster and fund creativity and entrepreneurship in children around the world to raise a new generation of innovators and problem solvers who have the tools they need to build the world they imagine.
We envision a world in which creativity is a core social value and a critical skill developed in every child; where the innate passion, curiosity and creativity of children is nurtured in schools, homes and communities everywhere; where all children are taught to be creative thinkers and doers, and encouraged to make their very best ideas happen in the world.
PBS STEAM Projects
Awesome, inspiring STEAM activities for the scientist/architect/designer in all of us!
Use DESIGN SQUAD GLOBAL hands-on activities and videos in classrooms and afterschool programs, in libraries and museums, at events and at home, along with our newest resource DESIGN SQUAD GLOBAL CLUBS that connect 10- to 13-year-olds in out-of-school programs around the world.
Welcome to John F. Kennedy's SEEK Program
Ms. Amy Mendel
Supporting Educational Exploration and Knowledge
(SEEK) Program Description
The SEEK Program provides advanced, extended instruction for students who meet the criteria of the program and who are consistently performing above grade level. SEEK fosters critical and creative thinking through rigorous challenges beyond the regular classroom curricula. Students engage in activities, projects, and assignments with increased depth and complexity.